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• In the comment section, you can indicate the breakdown for your offering (Ex: $100 offering: $50 - Tithes, $50 - Church Budget) • Call 416 401-0030 for more information
Adventist Giving
The SDA Church has a website called Adventist Giving. Not only does it allow members to give their tithes and offering to their local church, but it also allows them to give to ADRA (Adventist Church and Relief Agency), building projects, community services etc. It's reliable and easier.
Where to give
Local Church Funds
Church Budget: Helps with the needs of the church. (EX. Hydro bills, Water, Stationary, etc.)
Church Building (renovation): Helps the church with any building or renovations projects
Sabbath School: These offerings go towards the purchase of the Sabbath school quarterly and school project.
Community Service: Help provide service to the Albion & Rexdale communities. Ex. Sunday food bank, Love & care day event Church Building Maintenance: Goes towards the upkeep of the Church.
Church School Subsidy: Help provide tuition subsidy for students attending out local SDA Christian School.
Evangelism: Help us spread the SDA message and the gospel worldwide.
Needy Poor: Help provide assistance to individuals in need (Prepared meals, warm clothes, rent payment)
Pathfinders: Goes toward club operating expenses and projects (Camping supplies, pathfinder uniforms, etc.) . Thanksgiving: Yearly Offering; aGiving thanks to God
Conference/ Union Funds
Education: Donations go towards SDA schools in Ontario and helps them get the necessities and help needed to further Christian education
ADRA (Adventist Development & Relief Agency): The official humanitarian agency of the SDA Church, The ADRA works to en extreme poverty in some of the world's poorest areas, they develop and deliver community-based sustainable programs and respond to international and domestic disasters.
It is Written Canada: Help connect Canadians to the abundant life found in Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant.
Ontario Advance: This offering goes to the Ontario Conference to finance programs most congregations can't fund on their own. The funds address specific need in the overall conference as well as a variety of special projects. (Evangelism, magazines, periodicals Christian Education)
Pathfinder scholarship: This scholarship is to help our young people to achieve their educational goals by providing financial assistance to pathfinders who are pursuing post-secondary studies full-time.
Church Building Investment Fund: Assist local churches in Ontario with facility development. The primary purpose is to help spread the gospel of ou lord Jesus Christ by providing financing for the acquisition, construction and remodeling of churches, parsonages and other projects and organizations to enable them to expand their ministries.
Ukraine: The ADRA Ukraine team, even as they live through the crisis themselves, continues to provide humanitarian aid along with partners and support from outside the country. They are working with the local Adventist church to provide accommodations, food, water, and hygiene supplies to internally displaced people within Ukraine.
World Budget: SDA Church is worldwide church and the world budget is a contribution to the global mission.